Arcane 2: The High Priestess

Keywords: Intuition, instinct, wisdom. Mysticism. Feminine energy. Subconscious mind. Limbo. Wise person, open to spirituality, connected with the Universe. Sound advice. Collective unconscious. Subconscious. Perceptions. Witch. Teacher. Spiritual person. Celibate female figure. Psychic healing. Enlightenment. Initiation.It is the dual aspect of the magician, he makes and projects; the priestess integrates, she knows what is there, as her energy is connected to the matrix of reality. She flows in that ancestral and mystical knowledge, she embodies it. Her energy expands and assimilates.That is why she is number 2.The priestess is always halfway between the whole and her being. She stands at the threshold where her consciousness becomes unconscious, as the guardian or authority of the passage…

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Arcane 1: The Magician

Keywords: Be ready. Initiation. Cleverness and wit. Having the tools necessary to manifest something. Mercury. Manifestation of ideas. Magic. Hermetic knowledge. Fulfilment of aspirations. Resolute person, who handles the situation, although he has secrets, gambler.Arcanum number 1, the first of the so-called 22 trumps of the Tarot.The number one refers to the self, the being. The experience of thinking, and using our intellect. It also relates to the planet Mercury, as it is the first planet opposite the Sun. It is an androgynous figure, its polarity is neither masculine nor feminine; the first to receive direct light from the star. The magician is a knowledgeable figure who is ready to start something. Whether it is…

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