Obviously, fourth day completed.
I did my 30 minutes just before bed. I slept at a friend’s house, when we got sleepy, I previously retired to meditate alone in the dark, in his room. It was not easy for me to concentrate at all, my mind was somewhat overloaded… however I think I managed to focus, not to let myself be carried away by anything other than the action/exercise of meditating. My body became quite conscious and I began to perceive the energy of my body vibrating. My mind began to investigate, to show fleeting images of the day, noise in my head.
Sometimes meditation is like that: You contemplate your mental chaos.
Today, the fifth day, I began my day in a new environment. I must confess that when I left my friend’s house I was a little disoriented, and not knowing the area I was wrong to start my conscious walk; I ended up in a dead end and had to return on my steps, something I do not like to do. When I returned on my steps I came across a cat that stood next to me by way of greeting, the sun began to slip a little between the clouds. There were flowers in the neighborhood and bees collecting pollen, there were a few! While I was trying to take pictures of the bees, another cat came up to me claiming my attention! After a pleasant interaction I decided to say goodbye to my new friend and go on with my morning adventure.
I always set an alarm, so I don’t lose track of time or try to rush it. My path led me to cross a bridge that I already knew. There were artistic graffiti on the bridge, some of them quite impressive, the image of the post is the one that I found most appropriate to include as an image of the day.
My conscious walk took me under the trees of London Road Park, which is small but wonderful. To take conscience between trees is very relaxing for the mind, it is as if they help to eliminate a little the tendency to think the tendency to think too much, appease the mental beast.
When the time came, I found a bench and set out to do 15 minutes of meditation, of my 30 minutes necessary to overcome the challenge, on a bench.
I won’t deny it, the street was noisy, the traffic is intense in that area. I used the presence of trees and surrounding vegetation to take root with the earth. I like to use visualizations to understand the energy, it helps me, in meditations always appear spontaneously in my mind. I did the 15 minutes easily, I was in a good mood and the place was nice and I was alone practically the whole exercise. A woman and her daughter passed through the place shortly before finishing the challenge but they did not interrupt anything since, by the time they were to my bad had already finished the time. After timid greetings, I went home and then to the pub!
I have already spoken before that the pub belongs to another temporal dimension and therefore, I will save myself to write about it and bring myself to the present moment, where I will finish my day, at 4:54, with 15 minutes. In 3… 2… 1… Meditation!
My God my alarm has brought me back fast, it is super interesting this of doing spontaneous meditations. Mine has gone well, I feel that the positivity increases. So as the sense of perspective of things.
5th day completed!