I woke up at 12.30 today, after only a few hours sleep. Yesterday, after writing my post I went to a rave on the beach, and it was great, full of good vibes and dance and rythm. The setting was stunning, just inside a little rocky bay, only the sand, the sky and the sea. Edinburgh is incredible during Summer, the days just before the solstice (21st of June) are long and the sun doesn’t really go down. It’s a time of the year where it’s easy to feel the magic and the power, the strenght and the fullness in the air. Watching the Sunrise was like receiving a blessing.

I went back home with Susana and slept only a few hours, but when I woke up I was feeling happy and peaceful… and I think it’s what helped me throughout this long working day of 12 hours. Before work, though, I have been consistent to the plan. 30 minutes meditation, immediately after waking up (still using Gyan mudra and breath focus), which went nicely enough. I felt grounded and focused on my body and physical sensation.
Then out for a 30 minutes walk, with a nice stroll on one of the most colourful streets of Edinburgh (Victoria street), enjoying a little sun and looking for the strenght to go through the day. Which is when I found a Pokemon card on the street, tthe green leaf of Energy card, that encouraged me.
The rest of the day, at work, was nice (I work as receptionist in a Hostel) and I was in a good mood and able to be patient and help the guest also on a personal level, feeling like I was really connecting with them.
The 7th day of the Challenge went well, and maybe it’s the full moon, but I start to feel stronger.