Day 10th

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(I don’t know what the f*ck happened here this post was supposed to be published already at 4 am)

I had a very pleasent day of, I’d been working on the site this day off and then went out for my conscious walk.

Today’s color was definetly purple, it was everywhere. I wander towards the Royal Botanical Gardens of Edinburgh which are quite pretty and full of different species of plants. It took me nearly the 30 minutes to get there. I felt very good walking today, it was sunny, and even I forgot my new-and-cool sunglasses at home I kinda enjoyed being warmed by the golden rays of the Sun. I watched the flowers of the street and people to connect minimaly with what was going around in y walk. The botanical gardens were closing in 30 minutes since the moment I got there. I was meeting my friend there to have a nice walk but we had to meet in the east gate. Before having to exit the park I tooked some nice pictures of the flowers. The walk itself is making me feeling more positive, in general, it really improves my mood to say that I am doing the walk daily and I do it, besides that obvious high of self-value, there is in consideration that I could be the exercise of going out, daily and explore the world what makes me feel more at peace.

I mean my day was cool, I met a nice new friend, eat nice food and work a bit. Nothing really adventurous or exciting, but fair and productive.

I did 15 minutes meditation in Warriston Cemetery, a great scene of Edinburgh. Feeling the wind was cool and I could connect with the environment quite easy. I felt how the wind changed and knew it was going to rain soon, 2 h later did. Nevertheless, meditating is becoming something normal in my routine, something very spontaneous that I can do whenever.

That leds my to the final reflection of today: When we are upset is because we don’t let our inner sun to shine through the dirt of human life

Oh yes! I do my left 15 minutes just before going to bed..