Challenge – Day 12

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The strong tide of the past week is drawing back. Today the Earth is awake, the Sun should be at its most powerful point being Summer Solstice, yet I feel like the Full Moon anticipated the wave of energy, blowing a violent wind that scattered away all that was weak and untrue in me.

What’s left feels good and excited and sad and melancholic. I suppose that’s what a big shift always involves.

The meditation (I did 40 min today) was relaxing and peaceful, I enjoyed the quietness of the Salisbury Centre again. There was a little labyrinth in the garden, which I walked in and out feeling the grass with my bare feet and enjoying the feeling of softness and humidity. On my way out of it a light rain started falling and, as I felt heavy and almost overwhelmed by my physical weariness, I imagined myself as a seed, resting under the ground and I abandoned myself to the cure of Gaia and the nurturing touch of the rain.

I feel new, and whatever will grow next is now resting underneath and waiting for Nature to do its course.

My walk was again up to Calton Hill, where the predominant colours were yellow and light orange. The Sun was still quite high at 9pm and there were a lot of pair coming into sight (pair of birds, of people, of numbers, of flowers…)

Going down the hill I felt as though the rocks and stones were alive and awake. Gaia it’s awake and is watching us, and we are small and tired and so depending on Her, and so lucky to have Her.

The day almost completed, we enjoyed a little, intimate bonfire on the beach, watching the neverending sunset at 11pm in Portobello. Today I feel receptive and nurtured. I feel vulnerable but protected at the same time.
