Day 21th

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After a long journ I woke up at 4 am listening to an iman singing in a mosque.

I was physically exausted, but the sound of his prayer was so mysterious that in the end I did not mind to be woke up. I felt it was something unique I was living.

My whole day has been a conscious observation as I had been doing a tour in Kapadokya; an area of Antalya in Turkey. It was organized and we had a guide and I was with my paren

ts and brother … but as a weirdo I’ve got to be in silence observing, and in the free time even walking around by myself.

The region is known because of its underground cities, we visited one, Özkonak. It was build more than 10000 years ago, and used by the early christians to hide from invaders. It was impressive to be there, but it was too many people around to feel the energy of the place properly…

Then the bus dropped us at Göreme, a valey declared Patrimony of Humanity by UNESCO. No doubts why, the place is incredible. The early christians excaved caves in the volcanic rock creating a whole community whit several chapels, dining rooms, and dorms at the top of a natural outstanding structures.

When I entered the chapels the energy shift was quite evident. The people who done and used it were very faithful and maybe now it is a touristic spot, but I could feel clearly the kind of spiritual energy that christians churchs have… one that makes your mind feel lighter like want to start flying towards heaven, no feel of opression as I can feel on some other churchs.

There are a lot of cats in this country so as birds; remember seeing two little male sparrows fighting each other viciously, screaming to each other.

I bought some Turquoise which is found around. Looking forward to talk about this great stone more in the future.

The tour went to Uçisar a natural castle and town excaved in the rock as well. I’ve got the chance to go out by myself and climb a hill, and walk around, observing even more. I have to say it was great to do it as I was a bit tired of people trying to sello stuff. I wanted to feel more the land and I think I ‘ve got a wee taste when I did my climbing. Dry, vast, somewhere that connects you with ancient times. Somehow fertile. I felt the cultural diference.

The day pass by and I did my meditation at 22:30 next to a piano played very shoothly by a man.

Live music just helped me to jump into bliss and enjoying meditation. The music was like cuddle to my psyche, intense. When the pianist finish I checked the time. 15 min left. Went to my room and did the rest of the 15 min meditation listening to OM, but silence. I was very relaxed and time flew by.

Reflexion: Traveling to new places is a constant conscious observation of the world. That is why is so adictive.