Well today was another long day.
Doing my readings from 11 to 16 I’ve got the chance to be very observant on what was going on in between the two readings that I’ve got. The color today is light blue. The spiritual guy who stopped by to chat the other day stopped again today and we had another interesting chat. Before that I felt it was a lucky duy.
I was seated, just finished talking with a flyers guy when I saw a note of 5£ falling from a pocket. I could not see who was from so I standed up and picked it from the floor. Tip from the Universe, I guess.
Afterwards the second client gave 5 £ tip; so as another woman who tipped me for an aura cleansing.
I feel that I am doing it good.
Some clouds in the mind but not heavy at all. Just a matter of days to clear up.
The weather during this August is so fast. It changes all the time. You live wind,rain,wind,sun, wind,wind,wind (very useful to do spreads of cards open to the elements) clouds,wind, drop in the temperature, a bit of rain, temperature up, and then down again and more wind.
I had a bit of walk going back home at 16:30, I was tired about last night.
Today I still have to do my meditation.
I am going to do it now and see what happens… I am gonna listen this mantra of Energy Cleansing to do it, because it last 30 minutes and seems apropiate before getting knocked out in my dear bed.
I will update with the result of the meditation.