Day 68th

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Today there was magick in the air… my short shift at the pub felt very long, and busy almost no time to breath. Beautiful festival full of tourist. Music and art sprouting everywhere, and eccleticism, all around pushing the boundaries.

Even if I still hate the fact of the avalanche of people in my home, making wandering around the center a nightmare or just walking out of my doorstep; there is a good side of it. It is full of oportunities if you know when to take them and prepare yourself for it.

After the shift I went for a counscious walk in my way home. Going up Calton Hill I saw a little break in the wall so I went to explore the little forest in the side of the hill, very stip. Wandering there put my mind in action, alert, which is what I was seeking, activate this mode a bit. I found a nice tree and did 15 minutes meditation.

I came back and found some ruins in the forest and only a purple flower standed up.

After I was home and relax did plenty meditation with my witches. I am starting to see spots of color around them sometimes I feel us growing in power and understanding. Living an ancient way of learning in the modern time.

I felt my energy and started to work in make a diference in focusing in the mind/focusing in the body/focusing a bit in both and the breath is the indicator, because whereas the breath is noticed you are more in focus on your body, while when is unnoticed you are focus on the mind and the feeling of that one can be a bit scary.

Looking forward to work towards overcoming that fear!