Feeling myself again. My heart is open and I feel. My mind stopped obsessing for my ego and accepted that my heart doesn’t owe her any explanation. That I’m still here, still strong and creative.
I did 15 minutes of not-so-great meditation once awake, some yoga, then a coffee and a meeting with my witches at the Meadows. Feeling Self-confidence and Self-Love. Trusting my Yin side and intuition, which makes me strong in my creative power, and give me material to project outside.
The conscious walk this evening was great, I felt powerfully in the flow again, and on my way up to Calton hill I found no less than 7 magpies and 3 crows waiting for me on top of the same tree. They all flew away when I got standing in front of them, showing which direction to take.
I had a pleasant dinner with my witches, and a beautiful combined meditation with all of them, in which we joined hands, lit a candle in the centre, and shared energy and Reiki.
Letting me be micelf again (only for music nerds!)