Challenge – Day 71

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“Immaginazione non significa menzogna” [Daniel Pennac]. Imagination does not mean Lie.

I started my 15 minutes morning meditation by thanking my soul and my heart, for being open and kind. I felt gratitude and love expanding in me, and I used Reiki to help my mind channel its thoughts in an honest, non-daydreaming direction. I saw a crescent white Moon on my forehead when I did, and I had an insight on the tarot card of the Moon, which I always strongly misunderstood.

Imagination does not mean illusion. Ideas are like the Moon: they can grow until they become a full project. Once they take shape and they are transmuted in something physical, they have to loose something in the process, as when you put something that has (potentially) no limits into a defined border you are constraining it. But you are also shaping it and giving it life. When the idea wax and wane, something new is born.

I never really accepted this concept, which is also why I’m never happy with my drawings and art. They can never be as I imagined them. But the fact that they are also something different, does not make them lies. It does not make it all an illusion. What is an illusion, then? An idea that keeps recurring always the same, unchanging way. It’s an obsession and a lie. Letting go of the attachment to unchanging ideas, as beautiful as they can be, is the only way to bring them to life. Or let them die.

I didn’t enjoy the conscious walk very much, the weather changes too fast and it gets either too hot or too cold. The crowd was very agitated and stressful to walk through, although I got green traffic lights and crows guidance. I feel more intuitive today.

15 minutes meditation before sleep worked quite well, and I’m ready for bed now. Imagination does not mean Lie