Day 70th

I find my mind way awake and sensitive this days. I had been experiencing some random clairvoyance and aura sights.

My mind is more present in the moment, not like a escape, but a source of power. Meditation really help with the “Time expansion” that I have experienced after doing meditation daily or when I smoke weed. As expansion I mean that the feeling of the time, the rush against it, stops; leaving you more space in your mind to observe, feel, think…

Anyway I did 15 minutes meditation in the morning following the advice and example of my wise Challenge friend, Matilde.

Afterwards I went to do Tarot. Did plenty observation because the weather was crap. A color of the day would be lime. Compasion had pop up in my mind as a word I need to check its etimology.

I was tired but had a nice wee conscious walk before coming home, across the trees of London Road… it really feels great going there often, I feel like welcomed when I cross the path amongst the trees.

I got home and chat & updates with my roomate, and then Reiki for like 30 minutes at least. It was quite good, I feel a bit out of practice but it definetly flew by, I was getting it myself too at the same time.

It has been almost like a meditation… but just in case I will try to hold my mind for 15 minutes after I’ll hit the pillow.