

70%Body         15%Mind           15%Spirit

Sweat it out! The red days are for the blood to circulate quickly through the body, to speed up the heart and make us sweat. Red is a very energetic color, we can relate it to fire, to passion, to heat, to magma, to blood; in short, to that which has power, heat.

That is why on a red day 70% of the work of the daily routine is focused on exercising the body. As a biological machine our bodies need to be trained, used to keep them fit and active. To feel full of energy, of body heat, is the final goal of this day, to have an intense blush in our faces, to feel the blood pump intensely. Still and all, we seek to create a balance in these routines, that is why we cannot leave the spirit aside. The spirit itself, as a concept, is something that can also be seen as a flame or a gust of wind, it must be fanned like a bonfire or it simply goes unnoticed and, in its marginalization, perishes. If we pay attention to it, through training, awareness, and constancy, the spirit will blossom, endowing us with a great deal of energy and happiness; like when we warm our hands in front of the fireplace after a walk on a cold winter day. The mind is the one that will keep body and spirit together, the one that will order everything, it is important to exercise it consciously too; when we finish exercising it is quite probable that we feel that our capacity of concentration has increased.

To get a Perfect Red Day you must gain 70 points of body, 15 of Mind, and 15 of Spirit.


Swimming routine/waterpolo/aquagym not hanging about in a swimming pool;   30′(35p)  60′(45p) +60′ = (10p) x 10′

Cycling;   30′(15p) 60′(30p) +60′= (5p) x 10′

Walk  30′(15p) 60′(30p) +60′= (5p) x 15′

Running;   20′(25p) 45′(35p) 60′(40p) +60′= (10p) x 10′

Trailing;   20′(30p) 45′(40p) 60′(50p) +60′= (15p) x 10′

Cardio;   15′(10p) 30′(20p) 60′(35p)

Gym routine;   30′(20p) 60′(40p) +60′= (5p) x 15′

Yoga;   15′(10p) 30′(25p) 45′(30p) 60′ (35p)

Fitness Class:

  • Crossfit;   45′(45p)
  • Martial Arts boxing ,Muay Thai, Jiu-jitsu;   45′(40p)
  • Bodybalance/Pilates;   30′(20p) 60′(35p)
  • Zumba or any other aerobical dancing fitness class;   45′(25p) 60′(30p)

Streaching;   15′(10p) 30′(20p)

Hiking;   60′(30p) 120′(40p) 180′(60p)

Cleaning the house cleaning, no tiding up;  (10p)

Carrying shopping bags;   (5p)

Stairs; (5p) x 20 stairs

Playing a sports game football, basketball, tennis, volleyball…;   45′(25p)




Dancing;  +15′(5p) Dancing with somebody;  +15′(10p)  Musical Performance; 15′(15p) Sing;  15′(5p) Sing with somebody;  (10p)  Play an instrument 20′(10p) Play music with somebody20′(15p) Go to/watch a concert from start to end;  (15p)


Reading a novel3060′ (10p)  Study Books3060′(10p) Get actively inform about the world including social media news, newspapers or others; (5p) Read a magazine/Blog;  (5p)


Movie;  (5p) Documentary;  (10p) TV-Show; (5p) VBlog; (5p) Music; 60′(5p) Podcast from start to end; (10p) Looking outside the window 15′(5p) 


Conversation about an intellectually stimulant topic;  30′(10p) Laugh;  (5p) Making somebody laugh you hearing the laugh, “hahaha” on WhatsApp doesn’t count;  (5p)  Cry;  (5p) Open Heart Conversation showing and explaining your emotions;  (10p) Hug somebody or yourself, feeling it, not automatically (5p) Kiss feeling it, not automatic, a proper kiss, no need to be romantic (5p) Sex; (15p) 

Writing/Reflexion/Artistic expression

Monologue talk out loud about yourself, or a topic you are interested in, alone;  (15p) Gaming any kind of platform; 60′(10p) Write thoughts, story, poetry;  (15p) Draw/Paint;  (15p) Sculpture;  (15p) Cooking a special recipe whatever that means to you;  (10p) Handcraft;  (15p) Make up;  (5p)


Tide up changing sheets, laundry, dishes or superficial cleaning;  (5p) Clean moving things around to proper do it;  (10p) Putting order in the wardrove getting rid of some old clothes;  (10p) Donating stuff to charity ;  (5p) Decorating;  (10p) Taking care of the plants this include talking to them or signing; (10p)

Hygiene & self-care 

Shower;  (5p) Bath or a long proper shower;  (15p)  Peeling;  (10p) Beauty treatment like a proper one, hydration for hair or skin, depilation, tanning;  (15p) Hairdressing;  (10p)  Nails;  (10p)  Massage;  (15p)


Positive affirmations about yourself or the world;  min 15 affirmation (10p) Coaching/Therapy session;  (15p) Conscious Walk30′ (10p) Walk a pet30′ (10p) Play with a pet like properly not 2-minute attention, the pet needs to be fed up with you in the end;  (10p)




Meditation silence or background music15′ (10p) 30′(15p)

  • Pranayama;  (15p) 
  • Outdoors;  15′  (15p)
  • Guided Meditation; 15′ (15p)
  • Root chakra meditation music/frequency or guided; 

Reiki; 15′ (10p) 30′(15p) 

Positive affirmation;  15 minimum (5p)

Hearing mantras;  15′ (5p) Chanting/reciting mantras15′ (15p)

Praying;  (5p)

Yoga;  15′(5p) 30′(15p)

Sound Therapy;  (15p) Stones therapy;  (15p)

Oracle including Tarot reading, oracle cards or any kind of cartomancy;  (10p)

Documentary about spirituality;  (5p)

Magick Ritual;  (15p)

Light incense/smudge (5p)

Dress Red Trousers/skirt and T-shirt;  (5p)