

25%Body  60%Mind  15%Spirit

It is proven that the mind of a child learns anything much faster than an adult, for the young mind everything is new, everything must be learned and the body is also biologically predisposed. We could not aspire to have the same learning capacity as an infant, however, maintaining continuous learning about something is essential for the proper functioning of the mind and brain at a physiological level. The natural healthy behavior of the mind is one of expansion, that is, learning, therefore, just as the body needs to be active to be at its best, the mind must be nourished with knowledge, of whatever kind. This does not include all the information that we can receive via social networks.

Learning requires a mental effort to integrate concepts and tools to achieve a goal, such as playing an instrument, learning a language, drawing, dancing, writing, reading … On the blue day we will exploit the mind in one of its maximum potential, this day we will be students of what interests us and use our time to expand our knowledge and/or culture, as well as our imagination or ability to visualize. The exercise of the body is essential to settle down and not feel restless, it silences any kind of excess of energy that breaks the focus of attention on the task of learning that we put on; the result of this exercise calms the mind. The same happens with the spirit, by working minimally on the spirit we will reinforce our motivation, give meaning to the whole process and perspective to the mind, helping to clear any thoughts that could cloud our judgment and take us out of our learning path and goal.

To achieve a Perfect Blue Day you need to gain 25 points of body, 60 of mind and 15 of spirit.


Swimming routine/waterpolo/aquagym not hanging about in a swimming pool;   +30′(25p)  

Cycling;   30′(15p) 60′(25p)

Walk  30′(15p) 60′(25p)

Running;   30′(25p)

Trailing;   20′(25p) 

Cardio;   15′(10p) 30′(20p)

Gym routine; 45′(25p) 

Yoga;   20′(10p) 40′(25p) 

Fitness Class:

  • Crossfit;  (25p)
  • Martial Arts boxing ,Muay Thai, Jiu-jitsu;  (25p)
  • Bodybalance/Pilates;  (25p)
  • Zumba or any other aerobical dancing fitness class;  (25p)

Streaching;   15′(15p) 30′(25p)

Hiking;   40′(25p)

Cleaning the house cleaning, no tiding up;  (10p)

Carrying shopping bags;   (5p)

Stairs; (5p) x 20 stairs

Playing a sports game football, basketball, tennis, volleyball…;   45′(25p)




Dancing;  +15′(5p) Dancing with somebody;  +15′(10p)  Musical Performance; 15′(15p) Sing;  15′(5p) Sing with somebody;  (10p)  Play an instrument 20′(10p) Play music with somebody20′(15p) Go to/watch a concert from start to end;  (15p) Dancing class (30p) Singing class (30p)


Reading a novel3060′ (10p)  Study Books3060′(10p) Get actively inform about the world including social media news, newspapers or others; (5p) Read a magazine/Blog;  (5p)


Movie;  (5p) Documentary;  (10p) TV-Show; (5p) VBlog; (5p) Music; 60′(5p) Podcast from start to end; (10p) Looking outside the window 15′(5p) 


Conversation about an intellectually stimulant topic;  30′(10p) Laugh;  (5p) Making somebody laugh you hearing the laugh, “hahaha” on WhatsApp doesn’t count;  (5p)  Cry;  (5p) Open Heart Conversation showing and explaining your emotions;  (10p) Hug somebody or yourself, feeling it, not automatically (5p) Kiss feeling it, not automatic, a proper kiss, no need to be romantic (5p) Sex; (15p) 

Writing/Reflexion/Artistic expression

Monologue talk out loud about yourself, or a topic you are interested in, alone;  (15p) Gaming any kind of platform; 60′(10p) Write thoughts, story, poetry;  (15p) Draw/Paint;  (15p) Sculpture;  (15p) Cooking a special recipe whatever that means to you;  (10p) Handcraft;  (15p) Make up;  (5p)


Tide up changing sheets, laundry, dishes or superficial cleaning;  (5p) Clean moving things around to proper do it;  (10p) Putting order in the wardrove getting rid of some old clothes;  (10p) Donating stuff to charity ;  (5p) Decorating;  (10p) Taking care of the plants this include talking to them or signing; (10p)

Hygiene & self-care 

Shower;  (5p) Bath or a long proper shower;  (15p)  Peeling;  (10p) Beauty treatment like a proper one, hydration for hair or skin, depilation, tanning;  (15p) Hairdressing;  (10p)  Nails;  (10p)  Massage;  (15p)


Positive affirmations about yourself or the world;  min 15 affirmation (10p) Coaching/Therapy session;  (15p) Conscious Walk30′ (10p) Walk a pet30′ (10p) Play with a pet like properly not 2-minute attention, the pet needs to be fed up with you in the end;  (10p)



Meditation silence or background music15′ (10p) 30′(15p)

  • Pranayama;  (15p) 
  • Outdoors;  15′  (15p)
  • Guided Meditation; 15′ (15p)
  • Throat chakra meditation music/frequency or guided; Throat Chakra Meditation

Reiki; 15′ (10p) 30′(15p) 

Positive affirmation;  15 minimum (5p)

Hearing mantras;  15′ (5p) Chanting/reciting mantras15′ (15p)

Praying;  (5p)

Yoga;  15′(5p) 30′(15p)

Sound Therapy;  (15p) Stones therapy;  (15p)

Oracle including Tarot reading, oracle cards or any kind of cartomancy;  (10p)

Documentary about spirituality;  (5p)

Light Incense/smudge (5p)

Magick Ritual;  (15p)

Dress Blue; (5p)