The body is the center of our earthly existence. In fact, many would argue that it is the only thing involved in the dreaming process.
That is why there is one that conditions the dream narrative to a greater or lesser extent in almost all dreams.
The body is sleeping in bed and carries an enormous weight of information from the day, the week, months, and years.
The memory we carry in our flesh affects every action of our life, awake or asleep.
That is why the kind of dreams I am describing here will have been experienced by many, as they make direct reference to the subject’s body, whether sleeping or dreaming.
Basic bodily needs such as eating, drinking or evacuating, often appear in dreams when they squeeze the flesh. In these dream representations, the need finds a “solution” in the dream. Of course, such solutions are far from convenient. If there is hunger, food appears, but one cannot feel satisfied or does not get to eat. When we speak of thirst, it is normal to feel the pressing sensation in dreams. Our experience takes us near a stream or any other source of water, and when we bring the sacred liquid to our lips… they still feel parched. Not to mention the inconvenience of needing to evacuate in one’s sleep and finding the best washbasin one can find in one’s nocturnal adventure, one can wake up to an unpleasant surprise.
Another physical need that often manifests itself in dreams is sexual. Erotic dreams or dreams of intimate relations are very common and often help to release sensual tension. Sex is experienced in many ways, so erotic dreams will be different for each of us depending on what excites us. The experience takes us in a narrative where our sensual capacity is stimulated, so that, depending on the talent of the stimulation, we may or may not reach the climax. This may have more or less pleasant consequences as well, but it is the body fulfilling its basic needs, in this case, unloading.
However, sexuality in dreams can appear as something symbolic, without a desirable physical desire in between; as a metaphor for a relationship of any kind taking hold. The body, as a tool of communication, is versatile and offers a wealth of symbolic messages, in which we can read a deep, horizontal meaning.
Dreams that refer to breathing, cold, or heat. They are usually experiences that are directly related to how the physical body is at the moment of dreaming.
Action and reaction are the hallmarks of this type of dream.
There is a clear meaning in the great majority of occasions.
Another example of these dreams would be those in which we are left naked in the middle of the street, exposed. They are narratives that lead us to live a moment of vulnerability with the world. We are expressing tension created in relation to the feeling of vulnerability inherent, to a greater or lesser degree, in every human being when exposed to the world. Or, those dreams in which we cannot move, and we are crushed and immobile.
Again, at the center of it all is the physical experience and the body. There are numerous testimonies of dreamers who claim to have dreamt of some entity pointing at a part of their body as a warning. When they checked with doctors it turned out that they were indeed ill in that particular part of their body. Thanks to the dream they were able to treat themselves or tie up their issues.