The secret of the Runes

Runes are an ancient alphabet and method of visualisation, categorised by some as MAGICAL.

Just as the word magic has many meanings between the lines, we will not enter into that debate today, so everyone will give it the meaning they feel is true for them.

The word Rune means secret or mystery and symbolises the noise of one stone colliding with another.

According to Viking mythology, the Runes were tools given to the God Odin so that he could see the future and communicate with his people to pass on messages and advice. Although records date back 2200 years, it is said that they may be as old as 6000 years. There are various studies and conjectures of where, when and how, so many experts accept a truth created with the various beliefs. Although the Runes, we know them generally thanks to the Vikings, they were also used in their best-known form or other variants by various cultures such as the Celts, the Greeks, the Germanic peoples and the British Isles.

The set of all the Runes is called Futhark, the name given by the first 7 symbols of the Runic Alphabet 


The most widespread and well-known Futhark is composed of 24 symbols + 1 later addition called the White Rune. The set of the first 24 Runes is divided into three families or groups under the name of 3 Viking gods and elements of nature and the seasons.

From their beginnings, one of the uses of runes has been as an oracle, and today it is the most popular use of them.

To get the most out of them, it is very important that the reader of the Runes is in a calm, relaxed, balanced mood and is focused on connecting with them.

Runes are characterised by their great energetic power, so in order to interpret them, it is necessary to channel and organise the energy that the interpreter and the person consulted need around their questions, goals and dreams.

Therefore, the emotional state of the interpreter and the person consulted, and their internal energy will have a primordial role in the result of the consultation and will be key elements to keep in mind.

 The result of the reading is based on the present moment and the emotions and decisions that you have.

The result of the reading is based on the present moment and the emotions and decisions you have at that moment, so it is not an unbreakable future, but an indicator, or guide, of what you need to improve or understand in a situation, based on how you are emotionally and spiritually at that moment.

Runes give you room for evolution and change, being consulted to decide amongst one of the paths of your possible destinies.