Fehu in its most basic meaning, speaks of mobile power, material goods that can be moved.
It also speaks of having, or soon, receiving abundance, both materially and spiritually; or what we need to be able to overcome and continue to move forward.
It also emphasises the sharing of that accumulated or received abundance.
Symbology of the Rune Fehu
The symbolism represents the horns of a cow, given its relationship with the possession of cattle as it was a symbol of wealth and abundance in the past. Also, its symbol represents
a man with feet asking the gods for abundance or giving gratitude for possessing it. Fehu is linked to the goddess Freyja, the mother, it is the archetypal raw energy of movement and expansion; the force that flows and expansive, the source.
Meaning of the Fehu rune
Fehu is a positive rune, it materialises the most basic power of generation. It speaks of having, or receiving, abundance both material and emotional. In a rune reading, it can mean new beginnings, or the end of a stage thanks to the effort and work done, which will give way to something new. Is the rune of the cycle of destruction and creation, thus linking the strenuous and hard processes with resurgence and rewards. It also speaks of receiving some kind of material good or money, unexpectedly, or thanks to the sustained effort and good ethics. It may indicate that these goods have already come to you or that they are on their way and you are going to receive them. It can also refer to emotional abundance; when we finally feel we have the support or feel what we require, to believe in our fortune.
Fehu as an amulet or object of focus in a meditation serve us for:
- To speed up the process of change or of receiving the fruits of our efforts.
- To increase the economy.
- To protect things of value.
- To strengthen a psyche.
- To emit abundance in our environment or other people.
- Personal and social development.
Fehu advice:
Material wealth or wealth of opportunity should be a product of honesty and good ethics. We must remain open to evolving and learning so that we can be a positive and generative influence in our environment and on others. To function by the law of Karma, to sow positive actions in order to receive in time what we deserve. It invites you to meditate on the meaning of profit and opportunity. It leads us to
to ask ourselves if what we need to feel good, are material possessions or a safe and rewarding environment.