About us

The creators of the website are two friends whose passion is spirituality, symbolism, magic and personal development. Life brought us together in the city of Edinburgh back in 2015, and since then we have walked together in an adventure of self-knowledge; full of symbols, rituals and supernatural discoveries.

The Collective Unconscious is a theory that C.G. Jung developed in the last century. He noted that there were common patterns in all people, regardless of their social or cultural background. He referred to these as archetypes. From a metaphysical point of view, the idea that our mind connects with the infinity of the Universe has been well recognized for millennia.

Something magical happens when we explore our mind with our eyes closed, concentrating inward.

Images begin to blossom, just as in dreams, in a confusing way and with a coherence that is difficult to understand. Not only images, sensations, thoughts or emotions are part of the nebulous experience we encounter.  In fact, it is not necessary to close our eyes to feel or experience the influence of the unconscious, it affects us constantly, in more or less subtle ways. Involving yourself directly in the exploration of your inner world enhances your personal growth, places you on a path full of symbols and synchronicities that strengthen your connection with the Universe.

This website was created to encourage others to be curious, to explore their inner self. We share our own experiences, with the intention to inspire, and offer tools that we have tried, or created, over the years, to help in this journey.

Finally, we are both professionals, and offer our services to anyone who might be interested.

PsycheNautics is an initiative created to promote the exploration of the Collective Unconscious.

The creators of the website are two friends whose passion is spirituality, symbolism, magic, and personal development. Life brought us together in the city of Edinburgh back in 2015, and since then we have walked together in an adventure of self-knowledge; full of symbols, rituals, and supernatural discoveries.

The Collective Unconscious is a theory that C.G. Jung developed in the last century. He noted that there were common patterns in all people, regardless of their social or cultural background. He referred to these as archetypes. From a metaphysical point of view, the idea that our mind connects with the infinity of the Universe has been well recognized for millennia.

Something magical happens when we explore our minds with our eyes closed, concentrating inward.

Images begin to blossom, just as in dreams, in a confusing way and with a difficult-to-understand coherence. Not only images, sensations, thoughts, or emotions are part of the nebulous experience we encounter.  In fact, it is not necessary to close our eyes to feel or experience the influence of the unconscious, it affects us constantly, in more or less subtle ways. Involving yourself directly in exploring your inner world enhances your personal growth and places you on a path full of symbols and synchronicities that strengthen your connection with the Universe.

This website was created to encourage others to be curious, to explore their inner self. We share our own experiences, intending to inspire, and offer tools that we have tried, or created, over the years, to help in this journey.

Finally, we are both professionals, and offer our services to anyone who might be interested.

Sunay Aquārius is the creator, designer, and main editor of PsycheNautics. It was her initial idea that launched this project and her hard work that has designed (without prior knowledge) this portal, as well as produced, spoke, and edited the videos that present the content of the website.

A graduate in Communication from the UOC, she has a great instinct when it comes to creating a corporate image, with experience developing the image of different projects, as well as designing them; her role as a creative assistant has helped clients to exploit the creativity they have within themselves to define and grow their ideas.

She is a transformational coach, her passion is to help people develop personally or professionally; in a process that holistically involves the person, catapulting the individual’s potential to the next level.

A regular practitioner of witchcraft, she is passionate about the occult and personal growth. Her experience in rituals is extensive and so are the results she has obtained from them. On the other hand, she has been a Tarot reader for years, having given readings to hundreds of clients, who learned valuable lessons in the process, as well as being surprised by her predictions.

Laura, at times going by the nickname Mathilde, helped Sunay create the original shell of PsycheNautics, and she keeps contributing to the project with her personal practice, insights and visual art.

Her previous experience is quite eclectic: as a graduate both in communication (Unifi) and animation (Academy of Digital Arts), she started channeling her emotions into drawings and children’s illustrations.

Naturally born with a predisposition towards esoteric disciplines, she’s developed an ability to help others untangle their emotional knots and speak out their truth.

She’s now a Reiki practitioner and Holistic operator (Om Resonance, Italy) with a special interest in meditation, breathing techniques, and crystals treatments.