Recycle Dreams

 Recycling dreams are the most common of all dream types.They usually occur at the beginning of the dream experience, when the mind needs to process everything that has happened during the day; the good and the bad are mixed together in a motley mixture of images, emotions, and/or sensations that have somehow imprinted themselves in our retinas, in our psyche, remaining swarming to present themselves again to our attention as soon as we close our eyes and stop producing.In that magical moment when our eyelids close, and the cinema lights of our mind come on, everything that we were not at peace with during wakefulness returns, to try to resolve itself through our unleashed fantasy…

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Externalizing positivity 30%Body   50%Mind   20%Spirit We might think that a white day will be the opposite extreme to a black day, but really to create positivity, which is what a white day is about, a basic balance is needed. Activating the body and warming it up is necessary so that there is no excess energy that will cloud our mind. Physical exercise, being in connection with our body and moving it helps us feel alive, vibrant, and ready for action. Movement in general implements positivity; in this routine we will call positivity, to feel it, fully in us; to integrate and expand it in our day, either by communicating it, by doing activities, or by…

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Introspection 5%Body    5%Mind    90%Spirit When we close our eyes, everything goes dark in the first place. This kind of day is a very special one, whose goal is to establish a connection with our spirit that is clear and strong. Of the three areas this is perhaps the most controversial, for, sadly, not everyone believes in the existence of spirit. This routine is designed to be extreme so, that it can be perceived as a test, as a door to the inner world of each of us; a megaphone call to our soul to respond. To achieve the best introspection it is advised that on this day the participant abstains from communicating with…

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Absurd 33%Body   33%Mind   33%Spirit We have reached a point in this society where it seems that if you are not producing (money, knowledge, fun, pictures, or memorable days) you are basically wasting your time, wasting life. It seems that it is necessary to fill the whole space of the day, an obligation not to fall into boredom. Being surrounded by so many stimuli, information and people makes it inconceivable to feel that we have nothing to do; in fact, this is considered a waste of time. Well, the grey day is a routine to claim the right of the human being to waste time, to do nothing useful. To be bored as an oyster in…

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Strength 55%Body   30%Mind   15%Spirit There are aspects of our personality that are central to the person we are. Those values that make us strong because we believe in them keep us standing with dignity, like the trunk of a tree keeps the structure of the being working. Its bark also protects it from the outside, which can sometimes be aggressive to the tree. The brown days serve to strengthen ourselves in the three areas of influence of these routines. If the body is not healthy and resilient the possibilities in life will be limited in great numbers, our ability to be free as well, that is why it is important to cultivate a physical strength,…

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Determination 33%Body   33%Mind   33%Spirit This is certainly the day for those who decide to challenge themselves. In percentages it is identical to the yellow day, however, the activities proposed in the lists are more demanding, require greater willpower, a commitment to oneself that the other colors do not have. If you do not want to have a ridiculous score, the lilac day will mean an effort on your part. Like many of the other colors, determination is a muscle that can also be trained, and although one could fall into the error of believing that it is derived from mental strength, the truth is that you also need the body to follow you with the…

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Flow 45%Body 10%Mind 45%Spirit The word flow is used a lot, both in these routines and in popular language. When something flows, it means that it goes on without obstacles, that it does not stop, and that it gently goes along the path. This is the ultimate goal of the turquoise day. The mind is the main creator of obstacles to flow. The thoughts that may arise are the ones that will stop us from trusting our actions and decisions, also those of others. Although the state of mind is important to flow, ironically working on the mind too much here would be counterproductive; the mind here must be alert, attentive to opportunities, but not…

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Vulnerability and caprices  25%Body  30%Mind  45%Spirit When it is said that someone sees life in pink, it means that this person has an innocent and sweet vision of reality; one of comfort and also of putting themselves in a position of vulnerability. I relate pink also with those more tender and fragile emotions, with those moments that we are at ease with ourselves, that we appreciate our beauty and that around us. We feel in a bubble of well-being in which we can lower our guard completely because we naively forget how terrible life can be. This day should be used to make ourselves beautiful, to show off, but more than for anyone else, for…

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Perception and appreciation 15%Body   25%Mind    60%Spirit Training our perceptions might seem like science fiction, but it can be done. At PsycheNautics we have designed a Challenge for those who wish to see how this is possible. I can assure you from the experience of that Challenge that, like many other things, perception can be worked on and improved. In the chakra system the color indigo is associated with the sixth chakra, or third eye, which is related to the ability to discern and see reality beyond the veil of the mundane. The third eye is the gateway to so-called extrasensory perceptions, so devoting a color and a day of routine will be a good…

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