Memories, dreams, reflections
Carl Gustav Jung "biography"
Carl Gustav Jung "biography"
Classification is essential when it comes to appreciating all the nuances that make up a subject. Dreams have been classified mainly in a physiological way by medical science. By measuring the levels of activity in the brain. I couldn't find any other kind of serious classification a part from the evident one (Normal, nightmare, lucid ... )Also, I find it a fun topic to discuss. Every night dreams occur when we sleep, whether we keep memories of them or not. Just because we close our eyes to rest, does not mean that our mind does not continue its natural expansive behavior.♦When the subject wakes up, the censorship quickly takes on its full intensity, and can…
The content of this book was dictated to the well-known occultist Aleister Crowley by an entity called Aiwass between 12 noon and 1 pm on three successive days, April 8, 9 and 10, 1904. The language of this book can be a little complicated to understand in today's mind. The text is written in an imperative tone, the entity channeled by Master Therion is authoritative in his words, which emanate the tone of a narcissist. The reading is fast, as there are not many pages and, personally, I could not stop to look for second meanings either. Anything said between the lines was difficult to grasp as the style of writing was hard to follow,…
The wonderful thing about literary fiction is that we start from the premise that everything is possible. The mundane and the mysterious or inconceivable coexist, as a background, in the story that the author's letters capture in the book.Rick Riordan is quite well known in the world of fantastic literature, due to his work Percy Jackson, turned into a couple of movies.Fantasy breaks the barriers of the possible. It exposes you to an adventure with an impossible context in our physical reality. A little bit of escapism exists in the taste for fantasy, but being honest, with the pitiful state of the world we live in I consider it even a healthy way to escape…
I didn't create this section to criticize anyone's personal life...But, fuck it!Reading Doreen Virtue's book I felt that, once again, I am the only one putting up barriers in my perception of reality.I love the author's writing. It's fresh and close, it doesn't seem like I'm reading a New Age teacher, it's more like a friend telling me her spiritual news of the week, or her story with the fairies in this case. Healing with the faeries is the story of how Doreen Virtue connected with the faeries and healed her life, at that moment.The fact is that Doreen Virtue has a PhD in Psychology specialized in eating disorders. One day she was mugged and…
The book written by Anita Kraft is a fabulous way to approach the world of qabalah. The Qabalah is a tradition whose origins are somewhat diffuse. While Qabalah is traditionally attributed to Jewish culture, the system itself was ,and it is in use, by Gnostics, and probably was part of the magickal practices of Egyptians, Greeks, Romans... As in many hermetic traditions the qabalah and its origins are mysterious, the teachings of the qabalah are reflected in the symbolic art of the world, especially in the West, where it originated. I had studied the qabalah and the tree of life in a superficial way, had read about it in magic books and above all in…
The present moment has many possibilities. When I get up, it's hard for me to get back on my feet. I'm not one of those people who get up and are ready for everything. The sun came in through the window this morning, I took advantage of the fact that I was alone to sit and absorb its warm golden rays directly on my face while reading a book. I had several plans, but at that moment my being wanted to enjoy a few direct rays of sunshine on my sofa, I recharged myself and started the day on the right foot. Although I was a little clumsy today, and I'm still a little evil,…