Day 77th

Today, after my stressful shift, I quickly met with some friends to do a Witchy night. To start we did 15 minutes meditation singing mantras. We use one to Kali and Durga which main porpouse is empower oneself. It was a cool experience and the 15 minutes flew by. Then conscious walk around Calton Hill. There was a lot of people who were finding a good spot for the fireworks of the end of the Fringe … I did not envy them being all together squished in between that volume of persons. The color yesterday was yellow… Still Turquoise was important today. I did 15 minutes meditation more before going to bed.

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Day 76th

My experience at the Fringe ended today. It has been an intense month, with virtually no rest, in any sense. I feel that being so busy sometimes, the Challenge has been more of a burden than something comfortable… but it has been the result of my procrastination. I want to learn to distribute these moments throughout the day better, I would spread more. Even though it's been a hassle at times to do a 30-minute meditation before going to bed after partying many times, having done so empowers me. My conscious walk today was just after work. I went out to the street with Naomi, I had to go back because I forgot my mobile,…

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Day 74th

I am really tired. It has been a a long day that I spent trying to get readings. Did not work today, not a single costumer. All in all tomorrow would be easy to get better. I'd got the chance to observe from my wee sit. People were kind of agresive today. The color of the day was Black. The meditation I done a few hours ago. I feel I want this festival to finish. I am so tired!

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Day 72th

Today my shift felt and tiring. All thisa activity is paying off and my body needs to rest more than usual. Yesterday I did the conscious walk in the night. Smelling the air & checking for colors soon the Universe confirmed that it was blue the color. I had seen it a couple of times in the aura of people randomly. As I said the practice is having some rewarding.The meditation was before sleep. It was quite relaxing but I struggled to not fall sleep. I feel I could do a better meditation if I put more effort in creating a moment this time.

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Day 71th

Here I am! Pissed off! Fucking holy Hell I had Tarot day in the morning but the weather was everchanging. Not really good to sit in a wee comfy but wee piece of Wood on the leap of the Old Police box. With rain everywhere and a bit of wind. After few minutes sun and everything was starting to clear. Wind and then rain. I was present and very observant of the environment, today's color were lime and orange. I seen in clothes a lot and then in a spark of the aura of a girl I smudged. Read the cards for the day, nothing really inspiring today, no one came for a reading and…

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Day 70th

I find my mind way awake and sensitive this days. I had been experiencing some random clairvoyance and aura sights. My mind is more present in the moment, not like a escape, but a source of power. Meditation really help with the "Time expansion" that I have experienced after doing meditation daily or when I smoke weed. As expansion I mean that the feeling of the time, the rush against it, stops; leaving you more space in your mind to observe, feel, think... Anyway I did 15 minutes meditation in the morning following the advice and example of my wise Challenge friend, Matilde. Afterwards I went to do Tarot. Did plenty observation because the weather…

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Day 68th

Today there was magick in the air... my short shift at the pub felt very long, and busy almost no time to breath. Beautiful festival full of tourist. Music and art sprouting everywhere, and eccleticism, all around pushing the boundaries. Even if I still hate the fact of the avalanche of people in my home, making wandering around the center a nightmare or just walking out of my doorstep; there is a good side of it. It is full of oportunities if you know when to take them and prepare yourself for it. After the shift I went for a counscious walk in my way home. Going up Calton Hill I saw a little break…

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