Here's the story of the first ever PsycheNautics Challenge!
For 90 days we followed the rules to overcome this self-imposed challenge, writing a daily post to record our changing impressions. Some days it was more difficult to stand firm with purpose and not be carried away by the turbulence of life and fail the company completely.
Meditation is the basics of this Challenge, a conscious exercise of facing the unconscious, that which arises from within, in the darkness of our mind as we close our eyes.
From my own experience I affirm that what one can feel if one persists in the exercise of meditation for 90 days is something that should be the patrimony of every conscious being, human or whatever!
The use of the tools we have been developing and ABOVE ALL the conscious walks makes a difference in our mind. By using one of these tools our psyche goes into explorer mode, opens its perception; or goes into creative mode. The conscious walks are the best tool to accompany this Challenge, because when we walk observing the world that surrounds us we connect consciously with the rhythm of the planet, with the seasons and with the energetic climate of the place where we are.
The psyche is set in motion consciously, and this is of utmost importance, because the psyche is always changing, although usually subtle changes and most people do not realize, the law of constant change originates in the psyche, so having awareness about these changes gives us power over ourselves, we have in our hand to decide who we want to become.
Writing every night before going to sleep is one of the exercises that has surprised me the most because of its power. At first I thought it would simply be a way to record the changes that the challenge is creating … but the truth is that I have come to the conclusion that daily writing is one of the most powerful tools that one can use for their own personal evolution and empowerment process.
Finally, PsycheNautics Challenge isn’t going to make life painless, it won’t make the gates of heaven open and you light up (in principle) and there’s nothing to worry about. Life will run its course, but we will be able to navigate that current better if we know our psyche and make the most of it.
Hall of PsycheNautics's Challenge Champions


