Day 70th

I find my mind way awake and sensitive this days. I had been experiencing some random clairvoyance and aura sights. My mind is more present in the moment, not like a escape, but a source of power. Meditation really help with the "Time expansion" that I have experienced after doing meditation daily or when I smoke weed. As expansion I mean that the feeling of the time, the rush against it, stops; leaving you more space in your mind to observe, feel, think... Anyway I did 15 minutes meditation in the morning following the advice and example of my wise Challenge friend, Matilde. Afterwards I went to do Tarot. Did plenty observation because the weather…

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Day 66th

Explosion of emotions. I woke up quite tense with a horrible mood that lasted all day. I bielieve the meditation makes the anger more evident as a vibration. After work I did the counscious walk through the city going towards my area. I walked around of London Road Park to feel the trees. It was nice I felt slightly sooth; until I came back. I am in a moment of transformation. Burning everything out. Is powerfull but tiring. I just did 30 minutes meditation to relax and I already feel the relax and my body screaming for a rest.

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Day 65th

The clouds are still up there but I managed some sunlights in between them. My meditation of 30 min or more was before a nap at 3 pm. It was hard to focus but very amusing to be able to observe my subconscious to open up for me. Memories, wishes, self talking; I just observed them with no judge. My sleep afterwards was so good. I just came back from a conscious walk with Naomi. The sky was enlighted by a distant factory with some huge fire on top looking a bit like Mordor, from Lord of the Rings. The city is quite alive even late at night in a Wednesday. Reflexion: I am in…

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Day 61th

Today has been a stresful day at the bar. I had to be running all day. When I finished party arrived. I had been partying all night until 4 that a friend took me back home. I did my conscious walk then. The colors were green and blue. Rain in the air and the floor. The wind wispering in the leaves of the trees and people walking in this early hours. I could feel I was present... is a feeling I am starting to experiment quite often in the day. It might be because of the meditation. I am going to do it now... Long day but did not find time to meditate I should…

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Day 57th

Late, again. Today I have an excuse though, my journ has been long and intense. From 11 to 19 I had been offering my Alchemy Tarot readings on the Royal Mile. Two costumers in the day; a few curious and many looks. I was wearing my white witch look, to not seem so threatening with the smoky skull mug full of white sage I was holding to clean auras for free. Not to talk into detail but I had met this person and engaged a peculiar conversation about self vs selfless. My counscious observation was there mostly I didn't walk or move much but I had seen many people, listened all this performances in the…

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Day 54th

The festival has started in Edinburgh, or how locals call it "the nightmare" thousands of people coming to the town. But this year is going to be different, I will be doing Tarot readings on the Royal Mile. Today I've been working all day and then at the end of the shift I did my conscious walk through the Royal Mile, observing how the city is getting alive and sparkling with all this art coming in. I felt like I am finally part of the city. Now gathering with some of friends/witches we are going to do 15 minutes meditation to Kali and a wee ritual because we are going to a party!!!!

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Day 52th

I just read the title of Laura ' s post, could not be more alright. My meditation today was outstanding I used rose quartz and lapislázuli along with Mongolian throat singing and mantras. That was 1 h intense meditation. I will explain better in a update. My conscious observation was very good. After the meditation I was conscious all the time it was great. Reflexion: The tools take over and is turn to turn the wheel of the mind of and let the tides to sail you

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Day 45th

Today the leak on my ceiling started to water again. I take as a signal of the need of keeping the energy moving. After a quick breakfast I started my conscious walk. Wandering under big trees like the ones you can find in London Road Park, is always refreshing for the velocity of the mind. Bielieve me, hundred ideas were spinning in my mind before my steps directed me to the trees my mind was buzzing. After the green ceiling was on the top of my crown chakra the mind started to clear out the clouds. This huge chesnut, majestic, was attracting my attention to feel its energy. To tap into his huge field and…

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Day 39th

Another day of the Challenge, not a very exciting one. My conscious observation was during the trips from my place to a friends house. I spent my eve having girl talk. Always necessary. My energy is low but maybe not sleeping too much last night has to with it. My state of mine os becoming stronger... I did meditation for 30 a while ago; is hard not to fall sleep. Changes come my way but those will mark the course of destiny.

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Day 33th

My conscious walk started at 6 when I left my flat with my friend Mireia to go to her place. It has been raining half of the day; scottish weather, 4 seasons 1 day you see. We prayed for the water not to catch us... but the Gods had planned. Main colors were Purple and yellow, but in the end, red. I felt very powerful, but of femenine energy. I did 15 min meditation listening to my new favorite mantra Ajai Alai , how nice is ! Then the adventure started. It was pissing down. I used to say and think, when I was a child that rain was caused by angels peeing. Well yesterday…

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