Challenge – Day 58

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When I meditated, early this morning, I felt like someone was putting their hands on mine, and I felt relaxed and peaceful and the energy coming in through the hands. It was beautiful.

Today working double, and the rain is heavy but it’s putting me in a good mood, while I’m sitting at the desk checking out guests and doodling with my watercolor pencils. I try to enjoy simple things that make me happy.

Work till late, and quite stressful, I ran to see another Fringe show immediately after: Sarah Kendall, a comedian that I love. My conscious walk/observation was all spread in the way to get to the venue and the actual show: it was easy to move among people (crows and seagulls opening the way for me) and it was easy to follow her brilliant speach, as I could relate to most of what she was saying and the feelings she was expressing, as things that me (and apparently most people I know) are also experiencing at the moment. Hope or Despair, we always have a choice.

After the show I was very tired but I forced myself to dinner with my sister, and I tried to push myself to Calton Hill again. On the way up, though, just at the bottom of the stairs, I had a very bad feeling, I didn’t feel like going up as the vibes were scaring me off. I wondered a bit under the rain, zigzagging through people and taking time to go back to my room.

Now I put some relaxing music and I’ll conclude my day with Reiki and meditation. And put all my intention into Hope.