Challenge – Day 8?

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I’ll be honest: I don’t know if I completed my 30 min walk today.

I woke up tired but good, and went for 30min meditation that worked out ok. No visions, I only focused on my breath and my body, I observed the usual thoughts going through my mind, but they were less frenetic this time.
On meditation, I’d say I’m slowly but consistently getting better since the first day of the Challenge.

I worked a lot afterwards, over 13 hours to cover for some collegues in holiday, but I felt a good enough control of my feelings and I made it through the day with no drama. Last night I met a guy who checked in into the hostel and we started talking about empathy and card readings and intuition and sinchronicity. Tonight after work we went for a walk, I showed him my favourite spot on Edinburgh, on top of Calton Hill, where I can look both at the city and Arthur’s Seat and the sea, and where I often go to get a general vision about my life. The walk was nice and refreshing, it felt amazing to breath in the sharp air of the evening. It was windy and it smelled like summer and grass.
We spoke quite a while, sharing our experiences and our understanding of empathy and how this has an impact on our life. The view has been often in the back of my mind, and I felt so connected and involved in the conversation that I sometimes think Edunburgh was observing us, not viceversa.

I don’t know how long for we talked and walked, it could have been half an hour, 2 hours, 10 minutes… it felt good and grounding, and sinchronicity kept happening for the rest of the evening, from recurrency of numbers to pendulum dowsing to card reading to Reiki connection. Several hours of sinchronicity in which I learned a lot about myself and my ability to understand and connect and heal, untily now, when I’m so redy to sleep.

Maybe it wasn’t a walk, but it was a constant observation of energy flow. And isn’t this also what the challenge is about?