Challenge – Day 89

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Love is an experience of infinity. I steal my first sentence from a Yogi tea I’m sipping this evening. It feels quite appropriate to what I learned I’m able to experience during this challenge. Today I feel tired but much more confident. My intuition is strong and it’s extremely enhanced. I laugh at myself and still love all this silliness.

I woke up early to work and I’ve been feeling very tired all day long. I’ve been meditating 15 minutes in the afternoon and to my mind it felt powerful, immediate and absorbing: I felt like my consciousness was melting and warming and expanding, feeling nothing specific but part of the All, at the same time. I’ve kept being in tune walking out to green traffic lights and birds crossing the sky over my head.

I went for a slow walk first to Calton Hill. The sun was warm and I enjoyed the freshness of the air, the creaks and rustles of leaves and logs that trees are just starting to loose. I walked under the chestnuts of Calton Hill: they feel luscious, warm and extatic, releasing all the power of life to the ground through their fruits. I felt energised and I decided to keep moving, letting this life energy penetrate me and push me past London Road park, Saint Andrew’s Square, Rose Street, Princes Street and then back to the Old Town. On the way I picked up a little golden leaf to put on my altar to Ganesha.

The meditation in he evening was almost as good, although the mind was but more talkative, and I feel Really Tired… but also I feel more present and fulfilled. Maybe my heart is not open yet, but my Self is whole and unbound.