Life nowadays is busy.
In this society, of competence and consumerism, our heads are fill up with to-do lists and with I-want lists. We just keep our minds focused on those lists:
How are we gonna get there, how are we going to feel once we get there and how the present situation isn’t enough for us. It becomes a race, and well, not surprisingly, the current education system that most of us have went through is made for people to be standardized, or normalized. We find ourselves in duty to fulfill a role in a society that impose a view of the world which sometimes is limiting, unfair, cruel and psychotic.
Every day we interact with each other. Mixing each other vibes in every moment that we breath in and out, and we do feel them in every moment of our lives. Like the sound of planet Earth (aca Gaia), that information is in your mind but slips into the subconscious mind, to find us in our Dream. Well, our emotions are affected for it too. Like, all the time! Whereas you notice them or not.
Can you remember a situation where everything seemed to be perfect, maybe a little boring, but something inside your guts wasn’t quite right about it; eventually, a time after, you find that the situation wasn’t right at ALL? That gust feeling was you telling yourself-conscious being about how screw up was everything in the perfect situation I had mention before. Consciousness is about bringing awareness on every aspect of our psyche, is its nature to expand into the unknown.
On top of that, we must deal with our human body! And it is a full time job of excruciating human basic needs related activities quite time consuming in a day. Our minds are just caught in the routines of human life
Let’s going to make a wee test!
Close your eyes and make 3 deep breaths.
Make sure to be 100 % concentrated in the feeling of the air flowing inside your body.
Your belly will relax and fill up with air,
Then your ribs and, finally, your chest. Keep it in for 3 seconds
And release the air back out. Keep yourself out of air for 3 seconds again.
Do that for 3 complete breaths!
It feels good right? When you open your eyes after just 3 conscious breaths your mind feels less crowded of thoughts, you get a sense of lightness, also, you feel merrier or peaceful. It has been a shift. You might have observed that those 3 breaths seemed very long, so the three seconds holding, in and out, the air. Time is flexible, if we put consciousness in it. Your breathing is the rudder of your experience of time. And it is a matter of time what this challenge is about.
Can you imagine how you will feel if you meditate 30 minutes? Of course thoughts will come to your mind. Some stupid, other draining, despite, don’t rush and just try to get your center and ignore whiny speeches. Just feel yourself, see whatever random images pop up in your mind, try to put a subtle smile like the Mona Lisa, but with your eyes close, it helps to feel positive during meditation. Keep yourself together and in silence for 30 minutes, feeling the now and letting go! It has to be a moment that you make special, or even two if it’s better for your schedule to split 30 minutes in two blocks of 15 minutes (more splits won’t make sense because you won’t have time to relax enough and train your mind into the meditative state).
Just decide when, light and incense stick, play some music, or check for any meditation you could fancy on Youtube, however we are developing a media area for inspiration too, we are going to try to share ideas and practices, while wishing for collaboration from anyone to show as many ways to sail our psyche as possible!
Even if it is as simple as sit in silence 30 minutes every day for 3 months. That should make a difference, right?
♦Every day of the 3 months has to include meditation, one of 30 minutes or two of 15, without excuse, or the challenge will be failed and you need to start counting again.
♦There are many kinds of meditation, pick yours, but make sure you are actually doing the mind-relaxation I’d pointed out. Meditation, in my opinion, has to look for training your mind in order to reduce the talking in the mind. For that, and to start to, I do recommend just sit and create a special moment for yourself. After that, running can help some to achieve that state, again, do whatever is good for you.
Be honest, try to improve, meditation is a race nobody can win, you just need to find the joy in the exercise!