Day 38th

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I am a horrible Challenger!

It’s late again when I write my reflexions of the day.So far first; I’ve just done my 30 minutes meditation.

It was wonderful; y felt my energy flowing in me and out. Along with some strange visuals.

All and all now I feel quite okay taking in care my circumstances…

I wanted another kind of adventure today and party & new places came along. I promised I stayed conscious at least 40 minutes. I even managed to talk about tarot, symbols, qabalah…

I’ve met this guy who had a fox as a power animal that introduce me to a guy which name was Foxy and we were talking and telling interesting stories about the fox as a power animal. Now that I think, everything about this evening seems so foxy. How I had just been meeting people one after the other and they gave me something of knowledge.

The whole eve has been an adventure, with alcohol included but holding still.

I really need to pass out, but I think I have a reflexion quite good…

Conjure your adventure

There are many ways to observe the world, today are still Venus ritual’s effects.