Day 71th

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Here I am!

Pissed off! Fucking holy Hell

I had Tarot day in the morning but the weather was everchanging. Not really good to sit in a wee comfy but wee piece of Wood on the leap of the Old Police box.

With rain everywhere and a bit of wind. After few minutes sun and everything was starting to clear. Wind and then rain. I was present and very observant of the environment, today’s color were lime and orange. I seen in clothes a lot and then in a spark of the aura of a girl I smudged. Read the cards for the day, nothing really inspiring today, no one came for a reading and I went home walking slowly but focusing on my movements and reading and flowing in the stream of the street.

Got home relaxed, had lunch and meditated for 30 minutes.

You see, it is during the meditation that the Challenge is affecting the most. To be honest for my way of living sometimes I cannot seem to find the right spot during the day so I didn’t meditate daily but esporadically. With the Challenge going on I am meditating everyday. My focus is improving and so as my perception. The sense of being here is growing… During the meditation I get very good insights and.

Feeling good and proud of the fact that keep doing has wonderful effects. I cannot wait to see day 90th

After a relaxing meditation I worked at the pub in the night. Not too long but long enough. The thing did not started well.

My fella and cronic idiot Jobmate made a poisonous act against me. I felt that it was very unfair (we have a bit of story and he basically love/hates me) and hostile and direct attack, literally no more than 3 minutes late.

He wanted to pissed me off and he got what he wanted today. But not in his face, of course. Is not worth it… neither useful, yet.

I’ll try to transmute this anger during my sleep.