In the morning I started my conscious walk after waking up animated by Naomi.
Destiny. Arthur Seat’s top. The day was a little windy, there was no real sun, but it was not completely cloudy either, the wind made everything move fast in the sky. We started out at London Road Park and I quickly spotted some magpies, two of them. We got to HolyRood fast and started an intense ascent. I notice how I’m a little out of shape and these experiences remind me of how great I felt when I was exercising daily. I should get back to it, my body is lazy and heavy. On the other hand, I was happy to see that my willpower was able to withstand this challenge as well and that I reached the top. We saw more pairs of magpies and solitary crows resting from flying in the fierce wind that blows between the rocks of the old dormant volcano. I couldn’t stop seeing the yellow and purple colors all along the way. Some shrubs that I confused with thyme presented their vibrant little purple flowers. On the other hand, yellow flowers began to appear on the road, next to white and some rosewood. There was a moment when I sat down, exhausted, to feel the moment. I took three long breaths and visualized that I was rooted in the earth. I gazed at the sea and chatted with Naomi a little before reaching the top and going down to eat. Then we met Laura to go shopping.
The day has gone by quickly and after recording some scenes for the PyscheNautics Show, practicing harmonics and debating a bit, we meditated 15 minutes with a mantra to attract prosperity. The lyrics flowed on my lips and I managed to reach a very interesting state of relaxation. As Laura and Mireia left, I did another Naomi meditation. A regression to past lives.
This one was a bit strange. At first I saw her enter a great portal of stone and light, super spectacular. Then I saw a life in which I was a man, of a certain purchasing power, a merchant of the British bourgeoisie. He had contact with nobles, but a great secret. I liked men and I managed to maintain a secret love affair with one until my death. A real relationship. I felt a little frustration at not digging into the spiritual, but keeping my relationship safe was my priority. I was in the game of the time.
Now it’s bedtime.

Day 79th
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