Ninth day;
To do the meditation, which I have just finished, I have put a video on Youtube called “Frequency of love 639 hz” . I like to meditate with background music, as I can concentrate on that music and forget about the outside world completely.
The frequencies are quite useful as background sound, as they are not usually very strident, are ambient, and fill the environment with good vibrations, usually. Meditation has been normal. Thoughts came and went. I have interrupted a little cough, which is already improving, I haven’t coughed all day and I start coughing just when I have to do the meditation. It’s easy to get distracted when you cough, or a part of your body itches a lot, my advice is to try to ignore it, but sometimes it’s better to cough or scratch if the sensation will bother you for the rest of the exercise. When it’s cough I suppose it can be explained in many ways, you can have been or have a cold as is my case, when it’s itchy it’s different. Sometimes our own ego takes sides in meditation, it doesn’t want us to relax completely and so it creates itchy skin or discomfort for our mind to focus on instead of letting go… which dissolves the ego, or the denser part of it. It’s amazing when you can resist these itches and discomforts because when you do it and it disappears you feel really powerful. It hasn’t happened like this today.
My conscious walk was at 5 pm. I was meeting a guy for a walk and I took the opportunity to do it consciously. Obviously I’ve been talking to him. Observing the world is also observing what comes into your life, and a conversation while walking with someone is part of your world. The thing is to try to keep the focus on being conscious, observing the world, even if the person you talk to is attractive. We have walked a lot, more than 30 minutes. Arrived at the sea I decided to take a couple of photos for the post, and feel the sea. I had mixed feelings in this appointment. The area of the city where we’ve finished is an area where I’ve been on more than a couple of occasions with my recent ex-partner… I feel like going through that area has stirred me up a bit inside, and well, I feel disenchanted. I’ve seen a six pointed star in a church, a symbol that I do understand a bit deep because its meaning was revealed to me once in 2015. I was high and the information just started to pop up in my head and I needed to write it… since then and after a bit of study, I like to notice this kind of symbols when I am wandering around.
My mental climate is now cloudy, almost dark and a soft drizzle starts to fall!
My reflection for today is that universal symbols (like the 6-pointed star) are everywhere; it is an unavoidable duty for the arduous mind of self-knowledge to study and identify them, as they shape reality on different levels.