In a topsy-turvy world our bodies are out of whack.

The established schedules have been broken and the true human nature begins to emerge, that intimate part of us that is vulnerable.
This is natural and indeed positive. We have been raised in a society in which being vulnerable is perceived as a weakness, as a characteristic that is not desirable to prosper as an individual; this health crisis will reconnect us with this part of us that is unhealthy, being taken out of our “established plan” will make us rethink from what to use for our intimate hygiene (when the toilet paper runs out) to our role in this society, and who we are.

There is a lot of free time, sometimes one might think that even too much can be done, that one can start, try… But there is something that with or without quarantine must be maintained:

Taking care of yourself.

The body is indispensable for this, for everything. Without a body there is no human experience, so keeping it healthy and active is important. Just like a car that is not used for a whole year, when you try to start it you will find that it will surely be difficult. The body is the same, you don’t realize how wonderful it is to have an active body until you activate it. There are various ways to activate the body, but all of them include movement, exercise and basically sweating

The mind is what we always have conscious, it is the eyeglasses of our personal experience. It is a very powerful tool, and many times not at all, it is assumed that we have it active by itself. Training and exercising the mind, expanding it, is something VITAL so that the mind does not get sick, and basically for the best experience of life. A mind is like a dragon to be tamed, it keeps within itself the capacity to raze an entire city, but also, of the highest creativity. As anyone, fantasy fan or not, can deduce, taming a dragon is an epic task, but not impossible.

The spirit is what unites us all, that intimate part that defines who we are and what we do here. This might sound like a typical new age or hippie talk, and frankly, it is. Those who deny the spirit are denying an indispensable part of themselves and will never reach a balance if they keep denying. That said, you don’t need to have the greatest faith in the world to train your sensitive side, your subtle side, you just need to try, experiment and maintain an open attitude. With a minimum of constancy the results and effects are evident. Whether you believe in what you believe in, or whether you believe more or less, the important thing is to do the exercises without prejudging or belittling them in your mind.

The day has 24 hours as we know, and now that we can’t go to a gym or train as we usually do, we can feel a little bit out of sorts. The truth is that if we put on a very strict routine it could be counterproductive, because if you start to fail it is easy to feel like a failure in general. With the current international climate nobody should add that kind of feeling to their psyche, we are already too stressed out with the world we know coming to an end.

That is why together with my friend and collaborator Ivana we have developed a system so that anyone can adopt daily routines depending on their mood, energy level and basically their motivation.

Each routine is represented with a color and, at the moment, we have chosen 13 colors with 13 different routines. All these routines take into account Body, Mind and Spirit, the amount and quality of time spent in each of the areas depends on the color chosen. Each day has a quantity of 100 points, each one of the activities adds up points, the objective obviously is to get the 13 perfect days (that is to say 100 points in each one of the days), but obviously that is not necessary and this routine can be done without getting perfect days.
These routines have to feel dynamic, that’s why there are 13 different ones, we want to escape from those routines that weigh on our backs and in our minds. Each participant in this method will freely choose at the beginning of his day what color he wants to “paint with” the day. Each colour is explained in a post as well as its particularities and points.

The objective here is obviously to experience all the colours, to perfect the care of our being in these important 3 areas, and to improve; all this by entering into a dynamic that allows flexibility, healthy competition and creativity.