Would you like to find out how strong are you? how much there is to perceive? how your mind works? who are you?
Meditation is Key
Life nowadays is busy. In this society, of competence and consumerism, our heads are fill up with to-do lists and with I-want lists. We just keep our minds focused on those lists:
How are we gonna get there, how are we going to feel once we get there and how the present situation isn’t enough for us. It becomes a race, and well, not surprisingly, the current education system that most of us have went through is made for people to be standardized, or normalized. We find ourselves in duty to fulfill a role in a society that impose a view of the world which sometimes is limiting, unfair, cruel and psychotic.
Every day we interact with each other. Mixing each other vibes in every moment that we breath in and out, and we do feel them in every moment of our lives. Like the sound of planet Earth (aca Gaia), that information is in your mind but slips into the subconscious mind, to find us in our Dream. Well, our emotions are affected for it too. Like, all the time! Whereas you notice them or not.
Can you remember a situation where everything seemed to be perfect, maybe a little boring, but something inside your guts wasn’t quite right about it; eventually, a time after, you find that the situation wasn’t right at ALL? That gust feeling was you telling yourself-conscious being about how screw up was everything in the perfect situation I had mention before. Consciousness is about bringing awareness on every aspect of our psyche, is its nature to expand into the unknown.
On top of that, we must deal with our human body! And it is a full time job of excruciating human basic needs related activities quite time consuming in a day. Our minds are just caught in the routines of human life
Let’s going to make a wee test!
Close your eyes and make 3 deep breaths.
Make sure to be 100 % concentrated in the feeling of the air flowing inside your body.
Your belly will relax and fill up with air,
Then your ribs and, finally, your chest. Keep it in for 3 seconds
And release the air back out. Keep yourself out of air for 3 seconds again.
Do that for 3 complete breaths!
It feels good right? When you open your eyes after just 3 conscious breaths your mind feels less crowded of thoughts, you get a sense of lightness, also, you feel merrier or peaceful. It has been a shift. You might have observed that those 3 breaths seemed very long, so the three seconds holding, in and out, the air. Time is flexible, if we put consciousness in it. Your breathing is the rudder of your experience of time. And it is a matter of time what this challenge is about.
Can you imagine how you will feel if you meditate 30 minutes? Of course thoughts will come to your mind. Some stupid, other draining, despite, don’t rush and just try to get your center and ignore whiny speeches. Just feel yourself, see whatever random images pop up in your mind, try to put a subtle smile like the Mona Lisa, but with your eyes close, it helps to feel positive during meditation. Keep yourself together and in silence for 30 minutes, feeling the now and letting go! It has to be a moment that you make special, or even two if it’s better for your schedule to split 30 minutes in two blocks of 15 minutes (more splits won’t make sense because you won’t have time to relax enough and train your mind into the meditative state).
Just decide when, light and incense stick, play some music, or check for any meditation you could fancy on Youtube, however we are developing a media area for inspiration too, we are going to try to share ideas and practices, while wishing for collaboration from anyone to show as many ways to sail our psyche as possible!
Even if it is as simple as sit in silence 30 minutes every day for 3 months. That should make a difference, right?
Be honest, try to improve, meditation is a race nobody can win, you just need to find the joy in the exercise!
Meditation is Key
Life nowadays is busy. In this society, of competence and consumerism, our heads are fill up with to-do lists and with I-want lists. We just keep our minds focused on those lists:
How are we gonna get there, how are we going to feel once we get there and how the present situation isn’t enough for us. It becomes a race, and well, not surprisingly, the current education system that most of us have went through is made for people to be standardized, or normalized. We find ourselves in duty to fulfill a role in a society that impose a view of the world which sometimes is limiting, unfair, cruel and psychotic.
Every day we interact with each other. Mixing each other vibes in every moment that we breath in and out, and we do feel them in every moment of our lives. Like the sound of planet Earth (aca Gaia), that information is in your mind but slips into the subconscious mind, to find us in our Dream. Well, our emotions are affected for it too. Like, all the time! Whereas you notice them or not.
Can you remember a situation where everything seemed to be perfect, maybe a little boring, but something inside your guts wasn’t quite right about it; eventually, a time after, you find that the situation wasn’t right at ALL? That gust feeling was you telling yourself-conscious being about how screw up was everything in the perfect situation I had mention before. Consciousness is about bringing awareness on every aspect of our psyche, is its nature to expand into the unknown.
On top of that, we must deal with our human body! And it is a full time job of excruciating human basic needs related activities quite time consuming in a day. Our minds are just caught in the routines of human life
Let’s going to make a wee test!
Close your eyes and make 3 deep breaths.
Make sure to be 100 % concentrated in the feeling of the air flowing inside your body.
Your belly will relax and fill up with air,
Then your ribs and, finally, your chest. Keep it in for 3 seconds
And release the air back out. Keep yourself out of air for 3 seconds again.
Do that for 3 complete breaths!
It feels good right? When you open your eyes after just 3 conscious breaths your mind feels less crowded of thoughts, you get a sense of lightness, also, you feel merrier or peaceful. It has been a shift. You might have observed that those 3 breaths seemed very long, so the three seconds holding, in and out, the air. Time is flexible, if we put consciousness in it. Your breathing is the rudder of your experience of time. And it is a matter of time what this challenge is about.
Can you imagine how you will feel if you meditate 30 minutes? Of course thoughts will come to your mind. Some stupid, other draining, despite, don’t rush and just try to get your center and ignore whiny speeches. Just feel yourself, see whatever random images pop up in your mind, try to put a subtle smile like the Mona Lisa, but with your eyes close, it helps to feel positive during meditation. Keep yourself together and in silence for 30 minutes, feeling the now and letting go! It has to be a moment that you make special, or even two if it’s better for your schedule to split 30 minutes in two blocks of 15 minutes (more splits won’t make sense because you won’t have time to relax enough and train your mind into the meditative state).
Just decide when, light and incense stick, play some music, or check for any meditation you could fancy on Youtube, however we are developing a media area for inspiration too, we are going to try to share ideas and practices, while wishing for collaboration from anyone to show as many ways to sail our psyche as possible!
Even if it is as simple as sit in silence 30 minutes every day for 3 months. That should make a difference, right?
Be honest, try to improve, meditation is a race nobody can win, you just need to find the joy in the exercise!
The psyche expands, entering another state in which our consciousness becomes more perceptive.
As a reflection of life itself, where everything is in continuous movement and change.
If we walk with someone the conversation will flow more naturally; as we move our body in space our mind moves as well, giving itself the opportunity to tidy up. Probably our conversation will be alive, and maybe we’ll end up surprised by the perspective or conclusion that we reach.
Observe the world around you
When we walk without stress, just because, something happens in the mind and emotions: they dissipate slightly.
Our mundane concerns, or not so mundane, disappear for a second, as soon as the psyche feels all the free space in all directions
(which, if you think about it, is infinite).
Feeling the warm glow of the sun, the comforting light of the moon, beautiful trees over our heads that respond to the eternal movement of the wind, the smell of the sea, the soft rumor of a stream of water; all these things we take for granted are healthy for our psychology, in reality, knowing how to appreciate them is the foundation of real happiness.
Walking through our environment will make us be more aware of the cycles of the planet we live on, as we will feel them in ourselves.
We are part of this planet, we are not on this planet, only by observing the world we can begin to feel this from the depths of our being.
It should also be mentioned that our body needs to move daily.
The human body is designed for it (that’s why most of us have functional legs and feet) and physiologically the “machine” needs to exercise or simply oxidizes and loses its faculties.
Our psyche needs the body to move (its vehicle in this dimension) to gather sensorial information only found outdoors, in order to recycle itself.
Open your eyes
Sharpen your hearing and keep an open mind.
The world is full of symbols, all with meaning; if they appear before you as you wander it is for a reason.
In addition to the symbols, you may find in your path winks of the Universe, in other words, synchronicities.
In many esoteric and exoteric traditions, the fractal nature of reality is exposed: Everything you see and/or experience is a reflection of a part of you.
Our identity has many layers, from the surface and going into the vast ocean of the unconscious; our understanding of the mysterious connection we experience with the environment becomes clearer the deeper we get.
How can we realize that connection?
* Heavy snowfall, exaggerated icy cold, hurricane or anything out of the ordinary and safe. Just try to enjoy a rainy day, or a cold one… Don’t let lazyness get you!
Has it ever happened to you to be thinking about something, to have a question in your head, and that casually two friends/strangers/someone on TV pass by you talking about the same thing?
Or to think about your ex-partner and start seeing things on the way, symbols, that remind you of him/her? Or even meeting by coincidence on the street?
All these winks, which in PsycheNautics we call synchronicities, have the potential to make you reflect and also, be an example of the indissoluble unity of the Universe of which you are part.
Keep a record of your impresions
Reflect on your reflection
Writing is an act of creation. Your fingers take on an invisible force that begins to express itself through characters. If you stop for a second, you will realize that the speech being calligraphy (or typed) is retransmitted directly from the mind. As if the mind was a narrator, and the hand a diligent scribe that captures each of the words/symbols of the speech that simultaneously resonates in the head. The electric current kidnaps you; you begin to put order, understand and formulate the thoughts, emotions, memories, and impressions that float nonsensically in the psyche. Once the creative process is finished, here is a sample of the expression of your individual psyche, your own reality.
In this quote from the Bible, found in John’s gospel, he narrates his vision and understanding of creation, based on the first verses of Genesis 1:1.
1.In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.2. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
3.And God said, “Let there be light”, and there was light. 4. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day”, and the darkness he called “night”. And there was evening, and there was morning – the first day.
Such an eventful day!
When we begin to read the Bible, the first verses, we are introduced to a God who created a “Space”, but nothing happened there. When God spoke the light existed, along with the already existing darkness. It was then that there were day and night, cycles, i.e. “Time”. The act of expressing oneself with words was an act of creation that set “Time” in motion in “Space”.
♠ Level of Meaning ♠ What the word refers to ♠
♥ Level of Sound ♥ The sound/vibration/frequency of the word ♥
♣ Level of graphics ♣ Its symbol, or graphics, in the physical world ♣
♥Vibration… You will had hear that everything is vibration. Everything vibrates, is in constant motion in space-time. Our molecules vibrate, water, air, light, or your mind vibrate! And the resulting symphony of all those frequencies together is what constitutes reality.
If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. Nikola Tesla
Assuming that vibration is an ingredient of creation, words acquire great importance when defining our reality, as they are a powerful tool for communicating and rationalizing the world. Every word is sound, when pronounced, which is literally vibration. So are your thoughts and emotions.
Words shape our reality from scientific treatises, textbooks, sacred books, laws and rules, or a thousand and one labels. We live in a world flooded with words written by others. All “official” knowledge is embodied in words that seek to endure and reaffirm the foundations of our rational reality.
All in all, we believe in the words written in some/many books, don’t we?
The written word explores and brings to this dimension the abstract or what must be concretized. The daily activity of writing your impressions is extremely beneficial in the race to gain control in your mind. By writing a part of you become a narrator, that which must discern between emotions and thoughts, the one who witnesses everything that happens in your external life and the one who knows your deepest desires.
The viewer in your mind has a voice, and he likes to talk.
Hundreds of events, major and minor, occur daily, directly affecting our psyche. These events become emotions, thoughts and physiological or even spiritual reactions. Stop for a second and listen to your mind.
How does your mind manifest?
Is it a constant chatter or confusing images and sensations? Do it, become aware of the information that passes through your mind at full speed, realize the amount of information it handles, and the proportion that is actually processed consciously.
How do you feel about it? Is it a lot of information? A dark void maybe?
If the first option is chosen; what better way to process this information than to reflect on your own reflection and the world! This allows you to detach yourself from everything and having the observer more present in mind, as it takes control of the moment.
If you see a black, silent void, you may be able to use writing to talk about something that interests you, reflect on anything, or express creativity in words…
Reflect on your reflection
Writing is an act of creation. Your fingers take on an invisible force that begins to express itself through characters. If you stop for a second, you will realize that the speech being calligraphy (or typed) is retransmitted directly from the mind. As if the mind was a narrator, and the hand a diligent scribe. The electric current kidnaps you; you begin to put order, understand and formulate your impressions that float nonsensically in the psyche. Once the creative process is finished, here is a sample of your individual psyche, or your reality.
1.In the beginning was the Word [Logos], and the Word was before God, and the Word was God. 2. This was in the beginning before God.3 All things were made by Him; and without Him nothing was made that has been made. John 1:1-3
In this quote from the Bible, found in John’s gospel, he narrates his vision and understanding of creation, based on Genesis 1.1.
1.In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
3.And God said, “Let there be light”, and there was light.
4. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day”, and the darkness he called “night”. And there was evening, and there was morning – the first day.
Such an eventful day!
If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
Nikola Tesla
You will had hear that everything is vibration. Everything vibrates, is in constant motion in space-time.
Our molecules vibrate, water, air, light, or your mind vibrate! And the resulting symphony of all those frequencies together is what constitutes reality.
words acquire great importance when defining our reality, as they are a powerful tool for communicating and rationalizing the world. Every word is sound, when pronounced, which is literally vibration. So are your thoughts and emotions.
from scientific treatises, textbooks, sacred books, laws and rules, or a thousand and one labels. We live in a world flooded with words written by others. All “official” knowledge is embodied in words that seek to endure and reaffirm the foundations of our rational reality.
The viewer in your mind has a voice, and it likes to talk.
The written word explores and brings to this dimension the abstract or what must be concretized. The daily activity of writing your impressions is extremely beneficial in the race to gain control of your mind. By writing a part of you become a narrator, that which must discern between emotions and thoughts, the one who witnesses everything that happens in your external life and the one who knows your deepest desires.
Stop for a second and listen to your mind.
The written word explores and brings to this dimension the abstract or what must be concretized. The daily activity of writing your impressions is extremely beneficial in the race to gain control of your mind. By writing a part of you become a narrator, that which must discern between emotions and thoughts, the one who witnesses everything that happens in your external life and the one who knows your deepest desires.
Do it!
become aware of the information that passes through your mind at full speed, realize the amount of information it handles, and the proportion that is actually processed consciously.
what better way to process this information than to reflect on your own reflection and the world. This allows you to detach yourself from everything and have the observer more present in the mind, as it takes control of the moment. Here is the magic of the situation:
Once it is concretized, the situation is clearer and one acquires a better perspective and depth of it.
This facilitates the decision on how to act, to discover who we want to be in the world, our reflection.
♦To complete our PsycheNautics Challenge the contestant must reflect daily, that is to say, understanding the day from when we wake up until when we go to bed, for 3 months. At the same time, we will be doing meditation and conscious walking, which will surely be the source of our reflections. In this way we will be able to observe the evolution in ourselves in time, and share it with the community, if you like.
Focus on how you see yourself, analyze without judging too harsh, with kindness on yourself and curiosity towards everything else.

Deepen your Oniric life
Every night, when we sleep, we dream. It doesn’t matter if you remember it sometimes, often, or if you can’t remember the last time you had a dream memory.
As in many other aspects of life, dream recall can be trained and improved. Some individuals find it easier and others find it more complicated, however, the process to train this ability is the same and can help anyone who wishes to investigate their dream world and be part of the initiative we are undertaking in the Map of Dreams section.
What happens when we sleep has been the object of fascination ever since humans can remember the wonderful worlds and surreal stories that occur when we close our eyes and rest our bodies.
We invite you to take a look at the following post, in which we explain an action plan to improve our dream experience