Recycle Dreams


Recycling dreams are the most common of all dream types.

They usually occur at the beginning of the dream experience, when the mind needs to process everything that has happened during the day; the good and the bad are mixed together in a motley mixture of images, emotions, and/or sensations that have somehow imprinted themselves in our retinas, in our psyche, remaining swarming to present themselves again to our attention as soon as we close our eyes and stop producing.

In that magical moment when our eyelids close, and the cinema lights of our mind come on, everything that we were not at peace with during wakefulness returns, to try to resolve itself through our unleashed fantasy and the help of the unconscious.

It is like having a system of second chances built into the workings of our psyche. The amount of information that our mind handles on a daily basis is overwhelming and impossible to consciously filter in its entirety as the day goes on. If we think about it carefully, we will come to the conclusion that it wouldn’t be useful to do so, there would be neither energy nor time for anything else in the day. If you try closing your eyes for a few minutes, you will realize how quickly thoughts begin to surface and, in fact, it is often difficult to focus on one (unless we are obsessive, or a particular issue is preoccupying us) all that information is “conscious”, we can “see” it.

I would go so far as to say that the vast amount of daily information passes directly to the subconscious. The psyche receives thousands of impressions on a continuous basis that are ignored… until their moment arrives.

From desires, illusions or disappointments, hopes or obsessions, thought and emotion come together in a creative dance that the individual will first experience in dreaming, a potpourri of your daily life.

When situations present themselves during the dream we are faced with what we need to resolve or understand, if we fail we will remain there, in that symbolic communication between the unconscious and the subconscious, unable to face what we really need to do for ourselves, or to accept our limits. The name of this type of dream, recycling, is because everyone has them daily, it is the first phase of the dream experience, if you do not “clean” your mind and integrate everything that happened during the day you will not go deeper into the dream experience.

Make no mistake, I am not talking about treating micro-traumas (or TRAUMAS) but about reprocessing the information so that is as much use as possible, from gestures in a conversation, psychic impressions, or repressed feelings, the mind re-presents it to us, both to strengthen our egotistic identity and to walk more lightly in life.

Along with my friend hara.naad we are creating Project Mari Dreamers, a series of videos where we speak about the dream world, is in Spanish, but hit the button for the English subtitles.

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