Mission Dreams

Adrenaline and action. In this type of dream, the narrative cohesion is the imperious need to complete something, to finish an important mission.

In these dreams, at least in my experience, you get involved. It is not usual for me to remember how this mission began, the adventure that accelerates my pulse and that needs to be overcome, it seems to have neither beginning nor end.

What is clear in these dreams is the need to complete a mission.

The narrative action pushes us forward, there is no time, really, to be distracted. The overriding need to move forward in the adventure is because there is usually an element of “danger” driving the action.
In my experience, there are usually at least two distinct sides. Your side and that of the “enemy”. Usually, the danger comes from the other side, whose goal is to derail our mission, to capture us, or to steal an important item that the other side is carrying.
This dynamic is present at all times in the dream. It is as if our mind has this mission mode integrated and activated in the dream experience.

This mission mode also has degrees. That is to say, in some dreams, it can take us more by surprise to see ourselves involved in such a situation, but we quickly take the attitude that makes us not fail in the mission.

My experience has shown me that it is common for these dreams to be mixed with others, such as fantasy dreams, spectator dreams… The elements intermingle giving rise to a unique space and time, with its physical and magical laws, which can give us advantages, but also disadvantages. Let’s not forget that these laws will also apply to the characters who are our enemies. That is to say, if you can shoot lightning out of your hands, it is possible that your enemy can shoot fire out of his hands.
In these dreams, our creativity, decision-making, and proactivity come to the fore. Any advantage that we have inherent in us, in our life outside the dream world, will appear in an evident way. Extreme situations in which there is some kind of danger help us to give the best of ourselves, this is a survival instinct. This instinct is very present throughout the narrative, if we fail to overcome or achieve the objective, the alternative is to perish, to fail, to be captured, or to die.

Failure can occur because, while the positive aspects will come to the fore, the negative aspects will also come to the fore. If we might freeze with fear in physical life, it is possible that when facing dangers in the dream we might freeze as well.

So we could conclude that mission dreams are an opportunity to bring out our inner warrior. To leave behind fears that can harm us in life and show us that we are as capable of completing a dangerous mission as any movie superhero.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Manolo

    Hola, a mi me pasa y en  estos últimos días la mayoría de los sueños que tengo los incluirá en este tipo. Aunque el problema soy yo, no viene del exterior, no hay bandos. Hay algo que que debo hacer, qué debo cumplir, pero ó bien no encuentro lo que busco y sé que disponía de eso buscado ó bien me esperan  y no encuentro el camino que me da la sensación que ya  sabía ir, también a veces surgen impedimentos, obstáculos. La lucha es con el tiempo,  la angustia de su transcurrir, se acaba, se esfuma  y no estoy llegando a cumplir, sintiéndome culpable, porque depende de mi. El sueño me confirma con su  relato, viviendo mi ansiedad por no saber con seguridad dónde quiero ir en estos momentos de mi vida, que quiero a hacer y que necesito para llevarlo a cabo mientras la vida se consume. Pensar tanto en como estoy caminando, hace que no disfrute el camino, si siempre me cuestiono que  ese es el  que debería tomar. Creo que  por ahí  va su mensaje. Gracias por vuestro espacio

    1. Sunay.Aquarius

      Hola Manolo!

      Muchas gracias por comentar!! Esta web está creada para explorar el subconsciente, así que estoy muy contenta de que encuentres este lugar y te guste. En cuanto a lo del sueño misión, es interesante tu experiencia… Puede que haya un poco de esa ansiedad en todos los sueños misión, y lo de los bandos representan las dos energías: la de moverse hacia adelante (superando la misión) y la que nos hace petrificarnos.

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