
Flow 45%Body 10%Mind 45%Spirit The word flow is used a lot, both in these routines and in popular language. When something flows, it means that it goes on without obstacles, that it does not stop, and that it gently goes along the path. This is the ultimate goal of the turquoise day. The mind is the main creator of obstacles to flow. The thoughts that may arise are the ones that will stop us from trusting our actions and decisions, also those of others. Although the state of mind is important to flow, ironically working on the mind too much here would be counterproductive; the mind here must be alert, attentive to opportunities, but not…

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Vulnerability and caprices  25%Body  30%Mind  45%Spirit When it is said that someone sees life in pink, it means that this person has an innocent and sweet vision of reality; one of comfort and also of putting themselves in a position of vulnerability. I relate pink also with those more tender and fragile emotions, with those moments that we are at ease with ourselves, that we appreciate our beauty and that around us. We feel in a bubble of well-being in which we can lower our guard completely because we naively forget how terrible life can be. This day should be used to make ourselves beautiful, to show off, but more than for anyone else, for…

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Perception and appreciation 15%Body   25%Mind    60%Spirit Training our perceptions might seem like science fiction, but it can be done. At PsycheNautics we have designed a Challenge for those who wish to see how this is possible. I can assure you from the experience of that Challenge that, like many other things, perception can be worked on and improved. In the chakra system the color indigo is associated with the sixth chakra, or third eye, which is related to the ability to discern and see reality beyond the veil of the mundane. The third eye is the gateway to so-called extrasensory perceptions, so devoting a color and a day of routine will be a good…

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Learning 25%Body  60%Mind  15%Spirit It is proven that the mind of a child learns anything much faster than an adult, for the young mind everything is new, everything must be learned and the body is also biologically predisposed. We could not aspire to have the same learning capacity as an infant, however, maintaining continuous learning about something is essential for the proper functioning of the mind and brain at a physiological level. The natural healthy behavior of the mind is one of expansion, that is, learning, therefore, just as the body needs to be active to be at its best, the mind must be nourished with knowledge, of whatever kind. This does not include all…

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Creativity 25%Body  50%Mind  25%Spirit Creativity is the highest expression of the human being. Using our energy to create something new that did not exist before is like a superpower that we should all exercise. Creativity can be used in many fields, all of them in fact, it is a way of living, a predisposition of the mind, it could even be compared to a muscle. The more the individual tries to be creative, the better the muscle functions, the more it gains elasticity and power. Creativity helps us to find new perspectives, to express ourselves, to understand ourselves, to shape ideas of all kinds, to design impossible engineering works, to sing, to discover mathematical formulas,…

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Connection and communion with nature 20%Body   40%Mind   40%Spirit One of the first associations that will come to mind with the color green is plants, nature. In the natural world, everything is interconnected, everything is communicating with everything, forming the wheel of life. In the system of the 7 chakras, the four is that one of the heart, it is related to the ability to open ourselves to the world and to others, to connect, being open with our feelings and loving. The benefits of going into nature are over proven by science in numerous studies, and if possible (assuming there is no global quarantine) on a green day it is recommended to connect with nature.…

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Shine in Balance 33%Body  33%Mind  33%Spirit To reach our maximum the balance between the three areas must be perfect, the energy must be flowing smoothly, in the most optimal way possible, this will fill us with power, with security in us. That is why in this routine all the sections have exactly the same percentage. The body must be active, it must be exercised, a person who feels satisfied with himself after having done some routine, intense choreography or running X kilometers, usually feels much more confident of himself and therefore shines more, with a light of health. Likewise, the mind needs to be exercised so as not to become lazy or wandering, the appropriate…

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 Activity 70%Body         15%Mind           15%Spirit Sweat it out! The red days are for the blood to circulate quickly through the body, to speed up the heart and make us sweat. Red is a very energetic color, we can relate it to fire, to passion, to heat, to magma, to blood; in short, to that which has power, heat. That is why on a red day 70% of the work of the daily routine is focused on exercising the body. As a biological machine our bodies need to be trained, used to keep them fit and active. To feel full of energy, of body heat, is the final goal of…

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Day 83th

After the party there is always death. I am. Meditation was cool, I've done it with Naomi for a while, listening a fequency for inner peace. The conscious observation was along a walk I had donde after my dinner. Everything was a bit blurry today. Sleeping is important for the well functioning and connection of the psyche.

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